Trauma to Triumph | Part 2
Part 2: King Saul failed to address all of the blinking lights on the dashboard of his life.
Read MorePart 2: King Saul failed to address all of the blinking lights on the dashboard of his life.
Read MorePart 3: King David's outcome seems to look very different than King Saul's. Saul wanted war. David wanted mercy.
Read MorePart 4: The Apostle Paul went through some seriously traumatic experiences - yet he went out lifting up the name of the Lord.
Read MorePart 5: If there is one man who walked the earth and infinitely overcame trauma, it is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Read MorePart 1: We are nothing more than a pile of dirt without the breath of God.
Read MorePart 2: What we choose to plant, consciously or subconsciously, matters deeply and echoes into eternity.
Read MorePart 3: We should learn to be just as quick as Jesus was to draw a line in the dirt.
Read MorePart 4: It doesn’t take anything magical to show people Jesus. Just a little bit of dirt and spit.
Read MoreIn this video, you will hear from three powerful speakers about how to act and react when your feet are held to the fire. Join us for this 3 hour conference. We pray that you will be forged by the fire!
Read MorePart 1: In this first video, Jeff talks about how we must get into the "rhythm of the cave".
Read MorePart 2: Showing up acknowledges our desperate need to come under new authority.
Read MorePart 3: Everyone… yes, everyone… is created to worship.
Read MorePart 4: Prayer is the defiance towards pride and the posture of dependency on The Spirit.
Read MorePart 5: Our interaction with THE Word is crucial to our development as men.
Read MorePart 6: You were created to lock shields with other men. We are better and stronger together.
Read MorePart 7: The purpose of the stones is to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus.
Read MorePart 1: Jeff talks about getting lost in the mountains and how hearing the voice of God led him out.
Read MorePart 2: Despite the evil in our world, God is always faithful to keep his promises.
Read MorePart 3: God intervenes and always provides… Always.
Read MorePart 4: The God that sets captives free, brings justice, and secures salvation
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