Jesus Calls Peter Satan
Part 5: Jesus reveals to his disciples his impending suffering, death, and resurrection. Peter opposes Jesus' crucifixion and Jesus gives Peter an emphatic rebuke that baffles those around them.
Read MorePart 5: Jesus reveals to his disciples his impending suffering, death, and resurrection. Peter opposes Jesus' crucifixion and Jesus gives Peter an emphatic rebuke that baffles those around them.
Read MorePart 5: What can we learn through a lion? In this episode, Jeff talks about how C.S. Lewis draws us into the person of Jesus by introducing us to the character of Aslan.
Read MorePart 5: The City of Sodom & Gomorrah - what sort of wickedness was running so rampant that God would destroy an entire city? Dr. French and Jeff cover some topics that will shed light on the heart of God and how every weird text can ultimately point to the needed redemption of Jesus.
Read MorePart 5: In this episode, Jeff dives deeper into the miraculous victory of David over Goliath. Although most aspects of this story are pretty clear, there is one question that many scholars can’t quite answer. What happened to the head of Goliath?…
Read MorePart 5: On the surface, the rapture seems like a pretty crazy concept: all believers will suddenly be taken up into heaven? What happens to the others? Dr. Voth and Dr. French discuss this apocalyptic phenomenon and what we are to focus on as followers of Christ.
Read MorePart 5: Dr. Voth and Dr. French discuss the gruesome act in Judges involving a Levite and his concubine, ending in a grotesque murder and dismemberment. They provide further explanation and show the desperate need for a Savior.
Read MorePart 5: In this episode, Jeff talks about how Jesus is the Ultimate Caveman. He is the epitome of SHOW UP. When life throws trials and tribulations your way, you will need to know how to show up with God.
Read MorePart 5: In this video, Jeff talks about serving - "A Promise Keeper understands that Jesus calls him to be His hands and feet, serving others with integrity. He purposefully lifts up the leadership of the church and his nation in prayer.
Read MorePart 5: In this episode, Jeff talks about the name that is above all names - The Name of Jesus.
Read MorePart 5: We are now on our 5th episode of “Into Mountains & Manhood”. Let's fast forward a bit in the movie to jump into another important scene. The guys have made it up the mountain and have just set up camp. As one group heads down to fish, we get to hear from each of these men as to why they have come on the trip.
Read MorePart 5: If there is one man who walked the earth and infinitely overcame trauma, it is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Read MorePart 5: Our interaction with THE Word is crucial to our development as men.
Read MorePart 5: Stop Fleeing. Be still and listen. He always speaks.
Read MorePart 5: Jeff talks about the different players and roles in the battle of kingdoms and how you are to find your purpose in it all.
Read MorePart 5: The lie of the enemy is that we are to battle alone. God made us to live in community and lock shields around each other.
Read MorePart 5: Jeff talks about how he and Lori choose each other in the midst of joy and difficult situations.
Read MorePart 5: Jeff finishes the Assault series with a powerful conclusion about the Ultimate Caveman and how we might too walk in his footsteps.
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