Dirt | Part 1


God Dwells in the Dirt
We are nothing more than a pile of dirt without the breath of God. 

GROUP READING: Genesis 2:7 , Psalm 103:13-14, Ecclesiastes 3:20 


1. How does this passage in Genesis 2 make you feel? We are not told that what God did for us He did for anything else in creation. We were formed from the dust of the ground, and he breathed life into our nostrils. Think about this. Imagine The Creator breathing life into your body of dirt. What images does this stir inside of you?

2. Why did God breathe into the dirt? Why did God create man?

3. Knowing that God has seen fit to breathe his breath into each and every one of us, how does this compel you to live? Should the reality of this change how we see and treat every man? Does the reality of this fact change the way you see God?

Pray that we would be men who walk a little bit differently, knowing that each time we breathe, it is a gift from God. Pray that we would be men who treat each other better, knowing that they too carry the grace of God in their breath. Pray that through this reality, that each of us see that each breath can be an act of worship. May we be men whose lives are an act of gratitude knowing we are kept alive by the breath of God. May we be men who know our place; that without the breath of God, we are just dirt. Amen and a thousand more amens.