Trauma to Triumph | Part 3


David (Have Mercy)
King David's outcome seems to look very different than King Saul's. Saul wanted war. David wanted mercy.

GROUP READING: Psalm 30:1-3, Ecc. 4:12


1. Right off the bat - why was the outcome different for David than Saul when they both went through and saw the same type of things? They both led barbaric lives and were head over heels in the throes of war but something was different about these two men. What was it?

2. When reading or skimming through the psalms written by David, is it easy to see that he was tormented and had his struggles? Was there maybe something therapeutic about expressing his feelings and what he was going through? Could this have made the difference?

3. Did David believe that the Creator would take this from him? Was there any place that the Creator would not be in David’s eyes?

Pray that we would be men who express how we feel no matter what. Pray that we would be men who see that there is a way out of our trauma. We are all united to each other. If one man is going through something tormenting, we are all with him. Pray that we would see this clearly. Pray that we would be men who learn to rest in the fact that we are never too far gone and never alone. Amen and a thousand more amens.