Dirt | Part 4


Dirt With a Little Bit of Spit Cures Blindness
It doesn’t take anything magical to show people Jesus. Just a little bit of dirt and spit.

GROUP READING: John 9:1-11


1. In this narrative, we see that Jesus seeks out the man born blind. Are there any connections in this story to yours? Not all of us are born with a handicap, but all of us are born lacking something. Is this obvious to you? Do you feel or see that connection?

2. There is a connection in this narrative and the story of the woman caught in adultery. Jesus has a thing for dirt. Why do you think Jesus uses the dirt? He could’ve just healed the man right? What is so significant about the dirt?

3. The blind man had heard all about Jesus. But Jesus wanted the blind man to see him. Jesus desires the same for us. Without the DNA or spit of Jesus, we will remain blind (like the pharisees). But a little bit of dirt and spit from Jesus and we will be able to see. Why is it crucial for us to have Jesus spit in the dirt of our lives? Why is it essential to combine Jesus’s DNA with ours?

Pray that we would be men who allow Jesus to spit in the dirt of our lives. Pray that we would have our eyes opened by Jesus. Pray that we wouldn’t just continue to hear Jesus' words without being able to see. Pray that we would see that without the DNA of Jesus, we are just dirt. May we be men who see clearly the need for our DNA to be mixed with Jesus, because without it, life isn’t really life. May we be men who care about the dirt as Jesus cared about the dirt. Amen and a thousand more amens.