The Foundations
In this series, Jeff will breakdown what he calls "The Rhythm of the Cave.” As a man, it is critical for you to understand the importance of a disciplined life and how to live in kingdom order. We do this by building our foundation on what we call, The Stones.
What is included in the series?
7 Video Lessons
7 Lesson Plans
Scripture References
One Year Devotional called Words From The Cave
Group Discussion Questions
Group usage up to 10 people
Leader's Guide
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Part 1: In this first video, Jeff talks about how we must get into the "rhythm of the cave".
Part 2: Showing up acknowledges our desperate need to come under new authority.
Part 4: Prayer is the defiance towards pride and the posture of dependency on The Spirit.
Part 5: Our interaction with THE Word is crucial to our development as men.
Part 6: You were created to lock shields with other men. We are better and stronger together.
Part 7: The purpose of the stones is to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus.
Jesus praying twice while using his saliva for a miracle? How did Jesus pay his taxes? Does Jesus have a tattoo? In this six-part series, Dr. Jeff Voth and Hebrew scholar, Dr. Nathan French, are back to discuss and make sense of some of the weird stuff in the Bible. Although these stories appear strange, they all can ultimately point us back to the needed redemption of Jesus Christ.
It has been said that next to the biblical writers, the most quoted person in American pulpits, churches, and educational institutions, hands down, is C. S. Lewis. He has become such a part of the speaking and thinking rhythm of those of us in the West, that without him, well . . . who would we quote? Why Lewis? Filmed on location in Oxford, England, this series is designed especially to stimulate thinking about Lewis and offer at least seven reasons why he has made such an indelible impact upon so many.
A whale swallowing a man? A city destroyed by fire? A father sacrificing his son? In this six part series, Dr. Jeff Voth and Hebrew scholar, Dr. Nathan French, are back to discuss and make sense of some of the weird stuff in the Bible. Although these stories appear strange, they all can ultimately point us back to the needed redemption of Jesus Christ.
In the Garden of Eden, God prophesied in Genesis 3:15, that the head of the serpent (Satan) would ultimately be crushed by the seed of the woman (Jesus). In this series, Jeff walks us through the Biblical narrative as God preserves His serpent crushing seed – ending with Jesus crushing the Serpent’s deadly head.
Genealogy. Demons. Miracles. Rapture. Lake of Fire. On the surface, the New Testament contains some seemingly weird things. But what if we told you the point isn't the "weird"? In this six part series, Dr. Jeff Voth and Hebrew scholar, Dr. Nathan French, discuss and make sense of some of the weird stuff in the Bible to ultimately point us back to the needed redemption of Jesus Christ.
Giants. Talking Snakes. Nephilim. Lake of Fire. Plagues. On the surface, it appears that the Old Testament is filled with some weird stuff, but what if you were told that the point isn't the "weird"? In this six part series, Dr. Jeff Voth and Hebrew scholar, Dr. Nathan French, discuss and make sense of some of the weird stuff in the Bible to ultimately point us back to the needed redemption of Jesus Christ.
He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Author and Perfecter of our faith. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and Holy the Lamb of God. He is Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. He is the Messiah. He is the Savior. He is the Lord. He is JESUS.
Promise Keepers has been shaping the lives of men for over 30 years. They have developed the 7 Promises, which are guiding principles to help every man in their daily walk with God. This is very similar to what we call our, 5 Stones. Join Jeff and the guys as they dive in and talk about how to be a Promise Keeper Man.
What is behind that name of yours? Why does your name even matter? There are two voices we hear. One voice is the enemy whispering, sometimes shouting lies. The other is from the creator of the universe. In this series we will dive into why our name holds so much weight. By the end, you should be walking tall... maybe even develop a little swagger. Join us in the cave as we show you how important it is to hear who Jesus says you are. It will change everything.
As a man, you will face mountains in your life. Will you be prepared? Life is filled with adventure, and with adventure, adversity can come. Will you have what it takes to withstand the storms that may come your way? In this series, Cavetime Founder, Jeff Voth, walks men through the award winning documentary - Mountains & Manhood - and shows how adventure, legacy and brotherhood should be applied to your everyday life. Journey with Jeff and men as they summit 14,000 foot peaks, flyfish in snowcap rivers, and talk about overcoming adversity all while under the beautiful backdrop of the Rocky Mountains.
Life can bring some pretty traumatic experiences that can cause physical, emotional, spiritual, or psychological harm. It’s sadly part of the fall of man. However, in John 16:33, Jesus says that “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Join us as we look at the life of a former U.S. Marine as well as some Biblical characters and discuss what a journey looks like from trauma to triumph.
As a man, you are dirt. God literally formed you from the dust of the earth and breathed life into your body. It is important for you to understand that what you plant in the dirt will grow. What are you planting in your soul? In this series, Jeff will discuss how God dwells in the dirt and can use it however He needs to bring about His purpose.
In this series, Jeff unpacks the powerful story of how he was impacted by the mountains as a young boy. He also takes us on a Biblical journey as we follow many mountain men that interacted with God. Every man is called to be a mountain man. Join us as we head into the wild to meet with God. You will never be the same.
In this series, Jeff will breakdown what he calls "The Rhythm of the Cave.” As a man, it is critical for you to understand the importance of a disciplined life and how to live in kingdom order. We do this by building our foundation on what we call, The Stones.
In this series, Jeff talks about how God does see you. He unpacks timeless stories in scripture where Jesus reveals that He not only sees you, but cares about the little details of your life. God sees you.
In this series Jeff talks about how a certain unassuming person became the unlikely hero of the story. You will learn how to get some guts, get off your donkey, and help those in need.
If Lucifer himself was able to convince one third of the angels that he had a better plan for them - and these angels had been in the physical presence of God - think of how much more you are susceptible to his schemes. In this series, Jeff will lay out the distinction between the kingdoms and how you are to combat the enemies tactics.
Without strategy, you are a walking target and simply shooting in the dark. In this series, Jeff walks you through the five stones of Cavetime and how to implement them into your daily life.
The enemy is climbing over and sliding through the holes in your life and penetrating the very thing needed for your protection. In this series you will learn why the wall is needed, how we can prevent the erosion, and how to ultimately stand tall as the indestructible wall God has created you to be.
In this series you will learn the importance of your role in this as a man and ultimately see how Jesus treated women. He was a wall that defended them and protected them with strength and honor.
In this series you will learn some of the characteristics that set Benaiah apart from the rest of the men and what it takes to have lion killing courage.
Men all over are walking around, taking up space, getting assaulted, and being beaten on. Your masculinity will be attacked and assaulted—relentlessly—on every front, and you will need some help. You need to learn to escape, regroup, recoup, and fight back.
In this series, Jeff lays out the traits and characteristics of David that led to the Prophet Samuel anointing him King of Israel and predecessor to the one true King: Jesus.
In this series, Jeff takes us through one of the most powerful Psalms written by King David. Gather your group of men and be prepared to learn how to use the Word of God as a weapon against the enemy. It’s time for you to be a Warrior.
In this video, you will hear from three powerful speakers about how to act and react when your feet are held to the fire. Join us for this 3 hour conference. We pray that you will be forged by the fire!