7 Promises | Part 2
Part 2: In this second video, Jeff talks about brotherhood - "A Promise Keeper is committed to pursing vital relationships with few other men, understanding he needs brothers to help him keep his promises.”
Read MorePart 2: In this second video, Jeff talks about brotherhood - "A Promise Keeper is committed to pursing vital relationships with few other men, understanding he needs brothers to help him keep his promises.”
Read MorePart 3: In this video, Jeff talks about integrity - "A Promise Keeper is committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical and sexual purity.”
Read MorePart 4: In this video, Jeff talks about family - "A Promise Keeper is committed to building strong marriages and families through love, protection and Christ-like values.”
Read MorePart 5: In this video, Jeff talks about serving - "A Promise Keeper understands that Jesus calls him to be His hands and feet, serving others with integrity. He purposefully lifts up the leadership of the church and his nation in prayer.
Read MorePart 6: In this video, Jeff talks about unity - "A Promise Keeper is committed to reaching beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity."
Read MorePart 7: In this video, Jeff talks about obedience - "A Promise Keeper is committed to influencing his world, being obedient to the great commandment and the great commission."
Read MorePart 1: In this first video, Jeff talks about how "the bandit" or the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus came to give us life - and life to the fullest. There is a war between who Jesus says you are - and who the bandit says you are. Let's dive in.
Read MorePart 2: In the garden, Adam and Eve were walking with God in the cool of the day. When the serpent deceived them, it caused them to hide and identify with shame - which made them detached from God.
Read MorePart 3: In this episode, Jeff talks about the life of Jacob, Paul and Peter - and how each of us can relate to their transformations. God is always calling us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.
Read MorePart 4: In this episode, Jeff talks about the significance of “the white stone” in the Book of Revelation and what it means for you and me. Let’s dive in.
Read MorePart 5: In this episode, Jeff talks about the name that is above all names - The Name of Jesus.
Read MorePart 1: In this first video, Jeff sets the stage for the whole series. He talks about the backstory of the film and why it is important to engage in adventure.
Read MorePart 2: In this video, Jeff talks about the back story of the trip and why it has been so important. Gather your men, watch Episode 2 and dive into the questions below.
Read MorePart 3: Last time we talked about the backstory of the trip. We talked about retreat, legacy and adversity. These things are critical in helping you conquer the mountains that will be in front of you. Gather your men and watch Episode 3!
Read MorePart 4: Last time we were together the storm was brewing in the mountains. We discussed the importance of preparing for the storms physically and spiritually. Now, let's check on our guys up in the mountains and see if they were able to get through the storm that was brewing.
Read MorePart 5: We are now on our 5th episode of “Into Mountains & Manhood”. Let's fast forward a bit in the movie to jump into another important scene. The guys have made it up the mountain and have just set up camp. As one group heads down to fish, we get to hear from each of these men as to why they have come on the trip.
Read MorePart 6: Last time, we talked about letting go of what God never meant for you to carry. Once we let go of the things we have been carrying, we are free to receive from God what he wants for us. In this next episode, the guys are going to summit the mountain! Take a deep breath because they are about to climb 14,265 ft. Let’s see how they do..
Read MorePart 7: Last time we talked about how mountain top expectations lead to mountain top experiences. God wants your faith. He wants your ask. He wants you to knock. He wants you to wait on Him and expect Him to come through. Now, let's take a look at this powerful scene of the prodigal son.
Read MorePart 8: Last time we got to watch a powerful scene between Jeff and Jacob, depicting the story of the prodigal son. We talked about the power of redemption, the prodigal returning home and the love of The Father. Now if you’ll join us back at camp, the guys are all sitting around the fire, about to partake in a powerful experience that we call the affirmation circle.
Read MorePart 1: PTSD may not look like what you think it does.
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