Mountain Men | Part 10


Jesus and The Mountain of Glory
"This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Listen to Him.

GROUP READING: Matthew 17:1-13 (focus specifically on verse 5), 1 Corinthians 10:31, Hebrews 1:3, Isaiah 42:8 


1. Have there been times in your life, even being a follower of Jesus, in which you weren’t totally convinced or aware of who you were really following? We all say we believe Jesus is who He says He is, but have the doubts overshadowed the trust or faith in him most of the time? (If so, you’re not alone)

2. We can see on The Mount of Transfiguration that the disciples who accompanied Jesus to this mountain still held Moses and Elijah on equal ground as Jesus… until they heard the voice of God. When the disciples heard the voice of God, they fell on their faces. Have you had moments like this in which you were so overwhelmed by the power of God? With how big He really is? Have you ever been so moved by what is happening in your life in which you knew for sure you were in the presence of Jesus?

3. Have you found it difficult to listen to Jesus over the noise and clatter that is so present around us? We live in a day and age where there are millions of voices to listen to at any moment. We have the world at our fingertips. Can you hear Jesus speaking to you?

Pray that we would be men who continue to see clearly that Jesus is our only option if we want to truly succeed in the things that really matter. Pray that we would be men who learn to listen for the voice of Jesus knowing that he is always speaking to us. Pray that we would be men who see and hear that God is always working and pointing us towards himself in the person of Jesus. May we be men who learn to be guided by the flow of the Holy Spirit. May we be men whose first inclination is to look to Jesus knowing he is the beginning and end and all things are held together by him. Amen and a thousand more amens.